Wake Up Productive Pdf
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 05/11/17Find Out Exactly How Productive You Are. Or ArentIf you can not measure it, you can not improve it. Lord Kelvin. There is a precept that what you can measure, you can improve. And with the abundanceoftracking technology available to us today, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the number of things you have to keep track of. As a reader of Asian Efficiency, youre likely already managing your schedule, your tasks, your email and your information, so the last thing we want you to do is to have to track a bunch of different life metrics. There is only one metric that truly matters when it comes to productivity your time. Time is the only metric that matters. Time is the one resource that everyone has the same amount of unless you factor in outsourcing and delegation. And so, how you decide to and how you actually spend it is of vital importance and should be of significant interest to you. As Roger Hamilton says in the parable Wink, you get 2. Wake Up Productive Pdf FreeDo you want to waste, spend, drink or invest them Especially for those AE readers who work from home, or who dont have the structure of a 9 5 work environment, how you spend every single minute of every day is incredibly important. Enter Toggl. Toggl is an application that was introduced to me by a friend of mine, who used it for measuring billable hours and project work. Ive since repurposed it for a more personal use. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Elected governments are false fronts coordinated by a global shadow government. Abu Productive is the nickname of the founder CEO of ProductiveMuslim. Mohammed Faris. He is an international speaker, author, and coach dedicated to boosting. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines euthanasia as the action of inducing a quiet and easy death. This grant of a mercy death may occur with the. The setup and application is incredibly simple. You open an account Go to http www. Sign up for an account. You then set up your projects well go through exactly what projects you need in detail below Found under Settings in the top right. Set up projects as you see fit. You download the mobile application Download the i. Phone or Android App. And then you start using it The Toggl Web Interface. Toggl has applications for i. Eben-Pagan-%E2%80%93-Wake-Up-Productive-2.01.jpg' alt='Wake Up Productive Pdf Merge' title='Wake Up Productive Pdf Merge' />OS and the Android platform, as well as desktop I would avoid their desktop application and the standard web application. In theory, any software designed for time tracking can be used to track your personal time. I just happen to like Toggl because its free and simple. Toggl Alternatives. OK, so you dont want to use Toggl. Reconsider, 2 Heres an alternative. Edit OK, so there are a number of other i. OS Apps that weve found since that are pretty good. Well be reviewing them very soon. Start an Excel spreadsheet with five columns Item name. I/41Rzpb9SubL.jpg' alt='Wake Up Productive Pdf Reader' title='Wake Up Productive Pdf Reader' />Project name. Start time. End time. Total time. And throughout the day, log your items, projects, start and end times. Youll understand this more as I use the Toggl example below. The downside of this approach is that you have to calculate the time you spend on each item manually later on or use some Excel formula wizardry included below, but it is an application free alternative Im assuming you have Excel already. In fact, heres a template for you to download and use. Right click and save as XLS file. The Asian Efficiency Time Tracking Spreadsheet. And heres a printable version if youre not at your computer all day. Apt-Get Install Webiopi here. Right click and save as PDF file. The Asian Efficiency Time Tracking Template PrintableReal World Time Tracking. Time Tracking is mostly used in corporate environments or by freelance workers to bill by the minute or hour. You start the clock when you begin working, and you stop it when youre done. To track your personal time, things work a little differently. Instructor Solutions Manual For Visual Communication more. When you track your personal time, you want to be running a timer all the time. Yes, thats right. ALL THE TIME. Every minute, of every day, for however long you decider to continue measuring your time you will have a time running. If you suddenly have an urge to make your day to day activities and downtime count more, then thats a good thing. Heres how it works in Toggl. Time Tracking The One Thing That Will Tell You Exactly How Productive You Are Or Arent By Aaron Lynn 93 comments If you can not measure it, you can not. UN News Centre Official site for daily UN news, press releases, statements, briefings and calendar of events. Includes UN radio, video, webcasts, magazines. I strongly suggest you use the mobile application as that way you can change activities instantly and on the go. You start your day with an activity. In my case, its my morning ritual. Yes, sleep comes before Morning Ritual usually. When I start eating breakfast, I switch to that. Yes, it takes me 1. Weet Bix and read my RSS feeds. And when I start doing work for the day, I switch to that. Work time 4. And this continues on for the rest of the day. Wake Up Productive Pdf File' title='Wake Up Productive Pdf File' />Do you ever find yourself asking Why do I always wake up at 3am Here is a simple solution. Every activity gets its own item in Toggl or Excel. Now if I have an activity that happens multiple times a day, for example my daily actions item, Ill start the timer, stop it when I stop working on those daily actions, and when I come back to it, Ill just restart the same timer. Technically I could create a new activity, but theres no real reason to unless you want to measure data by time of day. In Excel, you have no choice but to create a new line item. Something to note with Toggl at least the mobile app is that it is dependent on an Internet connection to work properly. Now sometimes, there is a synchronization bug where your activity time is wiped out by what the server was tracking. Youll notice this when you have say 4. The way I get around this is to look at my current activity when remember the time logged as soon as I open the application. If the time is overridden by the server, I tap on the time and reselect the prior time. Pick the activity, then tap on the time. Change the time then tap on Done. Unfortunately there is no long term solution to this unless Toggl updates their mobile applications. If the Toggl guys are reading this please fix it Elements of Time. So now that you know how to measure and track your time, we should discuss WHAT to measure. This is highly personal. It will largely depend on how you structure your personal projects, your work, your task manager and your life in general. Below is a standard and simplified template based on my own systems that you can take and expand on. I have the following projects setup in Toggl Books Media Learning. Eating. Business. Excess. Life Management. Neutral. Personal Projects. Sleep. Social. Let me explain each in detail, and answer some common questions as to where does XYZ fit. Books, Media and Learning. This is any time spent reading, taking notes, watching educational videos or in general, absorbing information of any sort. Eating. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, supper, afternoon tea, snacks, coffee breaks, etc etc. If you are a smoker I would put cigarette breaks in here or under Excess if you want the extra motivation to quit. Business. I personally call this Enterprise. It is time spent in the office or working on office projects. I have very distinct individual items based on mental contexts for this, but if you work a 9 5 you can lump it all together under work. Excess. Any time that is not productive remember, we define productivity as time spent directed towards your goals. For me, this includes video games, chilling with my roommates, and doing things that I shouldnt have to do unexpected things that crop up and have to be taken care of. If you commute to work, I would consider putting commute time under this too, as a motivating force to find a more effective way to get to work, or to negotiate a remote working arrangement. Life Management. I only allow four items in here my morning ritual, my evening ritual, my daily actions and my weekly monthly quarterly annual reviews. Neutral. Things you have to do every day that are not inherently productive but more along the lines of essential. For example, taking a shower or doing your laundry though I could argue that one under Excess too. Personal Projects. Any time spent towards my personal projects. How to Stop Hitting Snooze and Wake Up Early. One of my biggest challenges since graduating college has been learning how to wake up early. It seemed that every morning I would hit the snooze button 6 or 7 times, wasting an hour of productivity or at least uninterrupted sleep. But last year, I decided I had had enough of the snooze button. By applying a number of tips and tricks from various sources, and having a sense of humor about the morning hours, I was able to ween myself off the snooze button and start waking up early. Breaking the Snooze Addiction. My first decision when wanting to wake up early was around the snooze button. Do I just start setting my alarm for 5am so I can hit snooze for an hour and wake up at 6am, or do I learn to stop hitting snooze and wake up on the first ring of the alarm I realized I would rather be able to wake up for the time I set on my alarm. By learning the discipline of waking up the first time the alarm rings, I can change when it is I want to wake up. Right now the desired time is 6amso I set my alarm for 6am and Im good to go. But what happens if I need to start waking up at 5am, or decide to get up at 8am If I only learned to wake up exactly at 6am, hitting snooze or otherwise, then changing the wake up time is an added challenge. But if I can get up as soon as the alarm clock goes off the first time, then it doesnt matter for what time I set the alarm. And its worked. For the past year, Ive been waking up early by not hitting snooze. Ill admit that I have days and sometimes a week where I relapse into hitting snooze, and if I told you that I love every minute of 6am, Id be a liarbut, I have become an early riser. To do so, I had to combine all the tips and tricks that Ive learned and read about through the years trust me, Ive done a lot of research on this. The 1. I used is below. I tried to link to the original sources I learned each tip from, where I could remember. Tips to Stop Hitting Snooze and Wake Up Early. Appreciate waking up. One of the most important steps for me was changing my mindset about waking up. It was easy for me to hit snooze because my morning mind was focused on returning back to my warm, welcoming bed. But now, waking up and mornings are different for me every time my alarm rings I focus on the fact that its a new day with new opportunities. Im only 2. 5, so hopefully I have quite a few more years ahead of me, but theres no reason to not start living each day to its fullest. Set an alarm youre happy to wake up to. I hate the process of waking upregardless of what time it is. Youre in the middle of a great dream, and then suddenly an annoying, loud sound comes from nowhere to wake you up. I decided if Im going to appreciate waking up, I cant use the same old alarm clock. Instead I switched to a sound I actually enjoy, one that Im happy to hear in the morningits currently the song A Brand New Day from Dr. Horribles Sing a Long Blog. Have something to do a reason you are getting up. Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Sub Ita. Do you ever have an early flight on a Saturday morning and find it easier to get up at 4am that day than to get up at 6am on any normal day Its because you have a deadline for when you can be up, and you have something immediate to do upon waking getting ready and getting to the airport. By having something you need to do, it makes it easier to stay awake and avoid the snooze. If you cant think of anything that you want to do immediately upon getting up, showering is a good start. Set a short goal. My goal for waking up at 6am was technically only for one week. But after that week, I kept going. By giving myself a short goal of waking up early for just 7 days, it seemed less daunting. Each morning, when I hated the fact that I was awake, I would repeat to myself that it was only short term. By having the mindset that I just have to get through this week, it was more manageable. I then told myself the same thing the next week, and then the week after, etc etc. Go to bed earlier. This one is obvious, but it certainly does help. I know that my body needs an average of at least 7 hours of sleep each night for me to be productive during the day. That means if I want to wake up at 6am, I need to be in bed by 1. Its much harder to wake up early if you go to bed late. Dont sleep too comfortably. Often my problem in the morning isnt having nothing to do, its that I look back at my bed and think of how it incredible it would be to be able to return to it. By sleeping in a slightly less than heavenly bed, the allure back into it diminishes. Luckily I have a Sleep Number bed, so Ive set the setting to 7. Im used to, because its not as entrapping as sleeping on 3. Try to wake up in the right cycle. Studies show that how much sleep you get isnt nearly as important as how much REM sleep you get. They also suggest that waking up in the middle of an REM cycle can leave you drowsy, but waking up in between one can be more refreshing. By sleeping for the right amount of time e. Put the alarm on the other side of the room. By putting the alarm on the other side of the room, its a lot more inconvenient to keep hitting snooze. If you have to keep getting up and walking, youll get your muscles moving and the body up. Turn on the lights. Despite the invention of the light bulb, instinctually we still desire to rise and sleep with the sunthats why most people want their rooms to be dark when theyre sleeping. Well the same is true for waking uplight signals our body that its time to get up. Drink some water. Not only does drinking water get you doing something physical walking to the kitchen and getting water, it also supplies the body with its most precious resource after a 6 8 hour drought. Drinking cooler water also helps wake up the body because of the additional energy required to heat the water during digestion. Wake up at the same time every day. Waking up at the same time every day allows your body to set your internal clock so that it becomes accustomed to the 6am hour. Over time, your body will naturally start prepping itself to be awake at 6am, often times allowing you to wake up just before your alarm, and if you have an alarm sound that you are looking forward to hearing, it can make it even more pleasant to hear it from the beginning. The biggest hurdle to this tip is the weekend. Many people, myself included a few years ago, wake up at 6am all week and then sleep in till Noon on Saturday. The general rule of thumb is to wake up no later than 2 hours after your normal waking time, otherwise you destroy any internal clock setting. Commit. Perhaps the strongest driver for me when I first started was committing to waking up. I wish I could pretend that my discipline is so great that I just committed it internally to myself and that was enough, but its not. I committed to it as a project, which meant if I failed, I owed someone 1. I also committed to a friend, who decided to wake up at 6am as well. Each morning for that first week, we IMed each other at 6am to prove that we were both up, realizing that wed call each other out if we didnt wake up at that time. Money and friendly challenges can be motivating factors. How You Can Wake Up Early. By attacking my snooze addiction from multiple angles, and creating a routine using the above tips, Ive been able to survive waking up at 6am. As a result, Ive had more productive days because Ive started the day off right.